UTC 22:09

Take a tour

You want to know more about us before joining?
Watch our Website Tour below to see what the VPA has to offer.

Our tour video was getting obsolete as we have a new website.
Even if this tour shows you the basics, what you were able to see in it, was not what you will get!
So we decided to remove it and present to you a video that was done by one of our members Brandon Cobos some years ago and some member testimonials.

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Member Testimonials

A tour is great but more important is our community and the friendly environment between members.
Here are some users testimonials:

Alister, New Zealand

I like the fact that VPA is / can be a record of your flying career. From starting out in a Tomahawk trainer... to flying longhaul... you can do it all here, and have it recorded. Unlike a va, this place offers freedom. Get bored of flying for one particular airline? Choose another! Freedom of choice.
It's a very proactive community as well is a highlight for me. Always something new being added or improved. It has management that cares for the community, and are willing to put their time where their mouth is. It's very much appreciated from a pilots point of view!
Besides the fact everyone here know what they are doing, have a genuine interest, and are a good bunch of people!
Glad to be part of it.

Dirk, USA

The freedom to fly any Airline and even more important that I can log my 'private' GA flights.
The webdesign is indeed awesome and a big plus over what I've seen on other VA's but more important is the community. Everyone is friendly here, you can ask everything and you get help. You get little chats and some fun threads...
Feels like the pilots home base!

Philipp, Germany

What I like about VPA:
- That we are able to fly for any airline and even GA flights.
- The interface
- The possibility to communicate in real-time ( chat )
- The enormous number of resources/tools (find-a-flight-tool,flightplanner incl. weather etc,airline-database...just to name a few)
- The wings-/bonus-system,which takes activities from outside VPA (IVAO,VATSIM...) and inside VPA (acticvity,ideas...) into account
- The layout,which is outstandingly good especially compared to other VAs-it would speak for itself inside a video-tour.Often it's those subtile things making us hit the "join-button".

Ben, USA

"Well I am new here, but I will tell you what I think based on seeing the site for the first time just a few days ago.
1. Clean, fresh site...not jumbled up....easy to read
2. The wings points system is really cool! I like the fact someone is taking things like online participation, va support and participation and event participation and rewarding the pilots for it. Makes it a more realisic career environment.
3. Nice logbook and statistics page for tracking all of your flights.
4. Great information!
5. Active forum *** IMO this is backbone of VA communications***
6. And best of all...the ability to fly for any airline and GA!
As I get to know more of you I hope to make the #1 reason the PEOPLE here at VPA.